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Tuesday, 14 August 2012


*fuhfuh* berabuk blog aku. dah lama gila ta update.
busy now as student in KMNS
what KMNS ?
Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Pilah
28 Mei 2012
tarikh keramat aku bergelar pelajar KMNS
how i see my dad and my mum crying for me.
leave me alone in Negeri Sembilan
my tears come out from my eyes without my permission.
i never separated from my family
KMNS teach me how to independent.
i'm learn to wake up in early morning.
orientation !!! ouh my i can't imagine it.
i've to wake up at 4AM
before that let me introduce my roommates

phewitt. our first jogging at KMNS.
view from bukit belakang lecturer home.
belakang tu bangunan hostel kami :)
berbaju pink bertudung kuning Rasheeda and just call her Sheeda :)
muka skema muka alim ulamak tapi otak gila wehh. Kelanteeeee muuuu
yang comel comel berbaju hitam bertudung hitam berseluar hitam
Nazhatul Faziera and just call her Era.
what the kepoh like meee hahaha suka bercerita. 
dia ta bercerita sehari ta sah Kelantee soooo
berbaju coklat tudung putih yuhuuu Atiqah Firzanah just call her Tiqah
JB yuhuuu my gengg !!! haahahahaha

we're siblings :)
i love them so much :*
my face in orientation day. 

Tiqah and Sheeda :)
my maths lecturer. Puan Rabiatul Addawiyah :)

My girlfriends :)

my Praktikum A4P3
kami dapat duit raya dari out Mentor Encik Zarawi
the best lecturer.
thanks our first duit raya uolsssss

i love my roommates.
we're like siblings.
thanks for being my sister :)
aku paling tua okayyy
i miss uols
we'll see at 26 August 2012 after cuti raya
Selamat Hari Raya uols :*